Tasteless, cold, hot, hard, vapor, fluid, essential. Water.
Coupled with eating right and exercise, water is a powerful weight loss secret! Maybe it's no secret. If we were paying attention in science class we'd remember that the human body is made up of %75+ water (depending on body mass). We thus conclude, it's pretty vital.
In the past, I really never paid much attention to how much water I was consuming in a day. 3 cups, 10 cups, who knew? Growing up in the country, I remember just sticking my head right in the cool streams and gulping up the fresh, microorganism free H2O and never thinking twice. We didn't have soda in our house growing up and occasionally there was that sticky-sweet red dye #40 mystery liquid, but mainly good old water.
The older I got, the more fun, tasty, fizzy drinks were discovered and my old friend water was passed over in similar fashion to a Sunny D commercial. Lets be honest, as much as we love it, agua can get pretty boring. Especially when you have a nice cold Coca-Cola staring at you from behind the frosty sliding cooler door at the gas station. Oh, maybe you're a goody-goody and NEVER dream of putting that poison in your body. Well.....good for you.
I always knew it was important to drink enough water every day, but little did I know just how much my consumption calculations were off. Recently, my wonderful friend and health coach enlightened me. Here is a visual chart I created based on what I learned. (Please take note of the pleasantly plump figure-those aren't muscles)
I know what you're thinking. How on God's green earth do I consume THAT much water and not spend my days memorizing the wall paper pattern in my bathroom? Believe me, I am writing from experience. Yes, there was a good 2-3 days of toilet trips which can be very inconvenient if you're say...waiting in line at the bank, stuck on the phone with a long winded friend or trying to watch Titanic.
Good news. Your bladder will adapt. I promise. This is coming from someone who most likely weighs more than you and is therefore consuming enough Smart Water to fill a paddling pool.

If you've never been much of a water drinker, try something creative like adding lemon or lime slices, cucumber or even mint sprigs. However you have to do it, get it done. You will be thankful for the refreshing effects. Personally, I have already seen my skin clear up, headaches go, energy rise and hunger minimize right before my eyes. Okay, thats the end of my poetic tip for today! Stay hydrated.
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ReplyDeleteGood jorb Arice
ReplyDeleteOh, wow... I've just been thinking about the fact that I don't drink enough.. I don't know if I can do it!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're right, hydration is so important! I often get headaches and fatigue, and the first thing Greg always asks is: "How much water have you drank today?" It's the first thing I forget on a busy day. :-0