My friends, my sweet, sweet, friends. I am so sorry you haven't heard from me in so long. Summer is upon us and wedding season is in full swing. As many of you know I am a photographer (plug) and coupled with fundraising for India and Thailand, I will be one busy bee during the following months. I will try as best as I can to keep my blogs updated and fancy fresh.
Oh yeah, I'm going to India in Novemeber and then on to Thailand to work with some incredible friends who are making a difference in this world through their selfless serving. I am beyond excited and can't wait for this opportunity to be used.
I will be helping many many people in the cities and villages through worship, medical outreaches, working at orphanages, feeding the poor but most importantly....preaching the WORD of God! I live for this. It's what I was born to do.
Needless to say, now more than ever I need to press in about my health. Traveling is hard enough on a body, let alone when it's heavy and tired all the time. Feet swelling, joint aches, dehydration, lack of sleep, different beds, different foods, different EVERYTHING! Some days, you just want your own pillow and well.....that aint plausible. I know from trotting the globe as much as I have so far, you have got to take care of yourself if you want to be vital to others! Or you fight to keep your head above water and CRASH hard when you get home...trust me.
My big adventure on the horizon got me thinking. I know this is what I want to do with my life. This is who I want to be and what I want to do. I was born with a traveling heart and a cultured soul, but somehow got comfortable in the middle (and squishy). The American dream looked good to me and I pursued it. But, its charms were deceiving and it's taste sour. I gave it more than it gave me and it was a selfish pursuit. My heart was left wanting and my desires not satiated.
But now, I know I will never be happy or fully satisfied by illusions of what I can have, earn or keep in a life that I am not meant to be living. There is only one life for me, His life. What does that mean? I am still finding out. But, I know if I seek Him with everything, then all the rest will be added, so I shouldn't waste time seeking them out. I know the majority of my weight struggles and food addiction stem from the fact that I fought the call of God on my life for all these years. I mean the real, full call. Not just being a good Christian and doing my small part here and there and then going home to myself and my ways and all that is want and lust.
No. I mean the call of giving myself away to all that He wants of me and living every day to define that definition.
Admittingly, it's taking quite some time to turn this ship around. Still have my bad days. Who doesn't? The mind is a hard thing to change and some days, it still takes the best of me. I am determined. I am strong. I am saying these things through faith! I know I can do it.
I am moving on and up and learning much about myself, those around me and Him. He who is all and in all. The only way to beat this heaviness that I have added to my frame to trap me from the fullness of life. His life. Real life.
Okay, so for a lighter ending, here are some pics from my recent "sensible shoe" hunt. Just for the sake of not offending anyone, if you own any of the following foot ware, I apologize in advance. It's all in good fun. A hopeless endeavor. The right one has yet to be found. The search continues..

Even Smurfette is blue over these sad shoes.
You need to shop somewhere other than wal-mart for you fashion conscious, sensible shoes...and I recall some gray shoes that you had that very nearly resembled the smurfette shoes...of course that WAS 12 years ago ;-) You are hilarious!
ReplyDeleteI remember those!!! I LOVED those! Walmart is not my first choice, but I felt weird taking pics in the upscale foot ware stores. I think online is a good option.