Hello my peeps,
Yes. I'm alive. I'm well. I'm back.
Here's the thing, I was M.I.A for a while due to many-a-things like: busy summer schedule with my photography, foot and hip pain and just plain old discouragement with my S-L-O-W weight loss. Enough excuses. I'm back on the wagon and this time, I'm feeling more determined than EVER!
So I'm about to let you in and share WHY I'm feeling so t-t-t-t-terific! Honestly, I wasn't going to blog about this and wanted to keep in on the DL (that's down low - mom) for several reasons. It's not for everyone, it's "out there" and some might even say it's down right controversial. Also, I didn't want to deal with all the "nay-sayers" and doubters and such. I wanted to be confident in my decision before committing. No, I' haven't become a Hindu vegetarian. I have however committed to a way of life that includes a very regimented and strict way of eating (500) calories, along with these hormonal, homeopathic drops I take sublingually 4x day.
WOAH, settle down. I know, I know. Don't worry I'm not going to grow a beard and I'm not going to starve myself. The plan I'm doing is called HCG or Human chorionic gonadotropin. Here's the deal:
HOW HCG WORKS IN OUR BODIESHuman Chorionic Gonadotropin:
HCG is known in medical terms as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin that is produced in women during their pregnancy. The Job of HCG is to protect and control the metabolic function of the body. During pregnancy most women encounter mild to heavier forms of morning sickness. Also what was once a body feeding only 1 is now feeding 2 or more depending on the situation. The natural hormone HCG is produced by the body as a protector of ones metabolism creating a link between body and brain that its number one priority is to always make sure there is enough food and nutrients to burn in order for both the fetus and mother to survive. This signal to the brain creates a constant open access to all fat stores in the body. The body is then conditioned to always burn calories using stored fat sources verses muscle tissue and nothing else. This ensures that mother and baby always have enough to eat even if she endures morning sickness through the entire pregnancy. HCG has been used for years to not only treat and reset ones metabolic rate but also treat things such as infertility in both men and women. By using HCG your body is being told that it is imperative to burn fat stored in your body as much as it can to stay healthy. This in turn burns about 4000 calories a day which is the result of losing 1-2 lbs of weight loss per day.
HCG is both used by men and women and has little or no side effects because it’s an already produced hormone and is no stranger to the human body. All humans are born with proper fat levels. There are no obese nor malnourished newborns. HCG hormone is responsible for this. For this reason, it is found to work on ALL humans with no exceptions. How well it works is up to the human.
Reset Metabolism:
When on the HCG diet you are in a way, wiping your body clean and re-introducing the fat burning process to it. Over the years of eating habits change we fluctuate up and down and our body programs its self accordingly. If a person only eats once or twice a day the body is convinced that it is starving and stores any source of fat it encounters. People who eat many small meals per day (in this case, 500 specific calories along with the drops) program their bodies that it always has everything it needs and there is no reason to save anything.
It is found that people who consistently feed their body in small amounts keep their metabolic rate burring at a high level all the times, which results in the ability to be more free with food choices in their eating habits. In the Phases after your weight loss your body starts to re-program its self to your new food intake. This is the most crucial and important part of the diet. This phase ensures that you keep the weight off that you just spent all your time trying to lose. When in this phase your metabolic rate is restored to its highest working function. This is why in the 2 weeks after you diet it is important to stick with the foods you are given even though your calorie amount is almost tripled. This enables your body to get use to its new program of burning so that when you do start to introduce things like sugar and starches again, it will keep functioning at such a high rate it will have no problem burring right through those unwanted calories.
As you'll see in your Google research, there's about a 50/50 feedback for the HCG diet. As like anything, it has it's controversies. As soon as people see that it isn't FDA approved they get up on their soapbox and start a-preachin'. Let's not forget that most if not ALL of your common daily herbal supplements, vitamins and elixirs are not FDA approved. Also, the 500 calorie diet you HAVE to follow also raises most people's blood pressure in shock, but as you read (if you read that LONG insert) you'd see that your body will be getting more than sufficient calories from your abnormal fat storage. And in my case, it's definitely not going to be hurtin'.
Let me backtrack for a sec, HCG came into my knowledge last year after hearing about a well known individual who had done this plan and lost a considerable amount of weight. At the time, it was predominately available in injection form for which you needed a prescription. Okay, hate needles, no way. Then while on a plane flying out to Texas this January, I stared chatting with this pharmaceutical rep. As women so often do, we got on the subject of weight. She then politely told me I should look into HCG but again, said it was an injection you got from your doc. So that put it out of my head a second time!
Wouldn't you know several months later a very good long-time family friend of ours showed up looking very svelte and the thinest I'd ever seen him! Come to find out, he and his wife had been doing...what do you know? HCG diet! He began to inform me of all the details and what it entails and like many of you who will read this blog, I was SKEPTICAL. I had a ton of questions and a lot of reserve. But, I had to keep coming back to what I saw with my eyes as my friend sat next to me. Someone I knew, trusted and - minus a belly I had come to know for so many years. The proof was in the pudding (or lack there of) and I became curiouser and curiouser.
I decided to read everything there was to read about this plan. I took a month, I did hours and hours of research and most importantly, prayer. I came to a decision but was still struggling with the idea of doing yet another "fad" diet and fear of failure. But, all the stories seemed too good to be true and I couldn't leave it alone. It was a Saturday night and I felt like I was on a precipice of yes, but not quite %100, when I received a text from a friend at church. She asked if I was going to be there the next morning (Sunday) because she had something very exciting that she felt was from God to share with me.
I show up and we start talking...
She begins to open up to me about none other than HCG!! I was blown away and all I could do was laugh! I literally told no one (other than family) that I was even considering this road. I wanted it to be private and now, here's a girl confirming that this was definitely for me!!! I couldn't believe it, but had to praise the Lord for Him speaking through her to me.
I started that week -July 11th and to date have lost an amazing 21.6 pounds!!!! That's right, 21.6 pounds in 3 weeks!!!
I have energy like I haven't had in literally years, sleeping through the night and dreaming again which means I'm getting in REM, my eyes are brighter, my skin is clear and I have so much hope for my thin future! It's really been amazing and so now you see why I just had to share with my blog friends.
I wanted to hit 30lbs before the "grand reveal" but since I'm losing at such a quick rate, people are already starting to notice and I feel obliged to open up about it now. I know this can help many people, in fact, it already has. My friends and family have gotten on board and for the sake of their privacy I won't say who or what but they are all big losers like me!
As I said before, this is not for everyone. It is very strict and follows a regimented diet along with the drops. Yes, men you can participate too and no, you won't grow uh....ah-hem, any lady parts. This is a carbon copy of the hormone and homeopathic. It only attacks the abnormal fat supplies in your body.
Not to come across pushy, but I've actually become a distributor so if you have any questions, hit me up! I have other attachments and info I can email you.
Thats all for now, I will be documenting my journey and am thrilled with the results I've gotten! It came just in time for me. With my foot and hip injuries, this was such an answer from above. Since January 2011, I have now lost 30 pounds (21.6 from HCG) and feeling great about it. Keep an eye out for recipes, ideas and updates as I embark on this exciting new "weight & see" chapter!