"Man who say it can not be done should not interfere with man who is trying to do it"
My parents had this old saying on our refrigerator growing up and this week I've experienced it first hand. As I said in my first post I was very hesitant about "coming out" with the HCG info. I knew people would quickly form an opinion and maybe give me some feedback that I didn't want to hear.
I know the difference between concern, doubt and just plain old criticism. And I don't much like the latter but I know once you make something public, it's open for PUBLIC opinion. I can respect that even if I don't want to hear it at times.
I am really guarding this season of my life because it's important to me and still in a vulnerable stage. I'm changing and growing and helping others do the same, so it's very important for me to stay positive and stay in faith. I know I am leading an example for others following behind me and I take that responsibility very seriously.
This is a bloggers public service announcement of sorts: if you don't understand, like or care about this new plan I'm on here are your options: write me a private message, I'm more than happy to answer any questions/concerns you may have. But, please save your negative or condescending remarks for an episode of "The world according to Paris". I know it's not your intention to upset or discourage me, but you wouldn't believe some of the responses I've gotten thus far and honestly, not sure how else to take it. I know it's strange and "extreme" and I'm learning so much more about it and really enjoying the journey.

On a positive note, a big thank you to all my supporters (you know who you are) you've made this year's journey all the more worth it. I appreciate all the kind and encouraging words, they mean more than you know! I know you're for me and for my success and I love you ALL!!!!
There's more than one way to skin a catfish and everyone has their choice of plan to follow. You have to find what works for YOU, commit and go for it! I encourage you to do so!

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